Category: hacking

Select to Call for FusionPBX makes calling so easy!

I have just released my second Chrome Extension called FusionPBX SelectToCall.  The extension allows a user to easily dial a

RaspberryPI + Huawei 3G Stick = Router

I have been working on some License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology for our OPS-COM software.  Everything has been going great

Garage Door Control with WeMos D1 mini

I received my WeMos devices quite a while ago and found some time this weekend to play with them.  The

Coffee pot watcher

With some new staff at the office, we seem to be going through coffee very quickly.  It was suggested that

Fix hAtom Meta and Prevent 403 Error with “Press This”

I recently updated my blog from the Blogger to a new WordPress web site.  One of the main reasons was