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Tomahawk goes solar… well kinda..

This was a cool project to be involved with.  Really a great complement to all I learned (and continue to learn) with my own home setup.

Solar panels soaking up some rays at 92 Bridge

Tomahawk Technologies welcomes Solar Power! Our newly installed roof top panels at 92 Bridge Street will supply enough energy to match Tomahawk’s own daily power requirements. Through an agreement with the OPA (Ontario Power Authority) these panels will feed power back onto the grid to help offset the building’s total energy costs and reduce its carbon footprint.

Tomahawk Technologies is focused on becoming a greener company. Over the past 2 years we have done away with all desktop CRT monitors and have implemented our own server virtualization. Server virtualization allowed us to decrease the number of physical web and email servers by more than half!

Home away from home – 92 Bridge St.


This seemed like such a great idea until I realized that there is no power generated when the panels are under  a pile of snow!  Oh well, great reason to get out in the fresh air and get some exercise.  These things make money after all..

Oh right, gotta shovel them off

first snowfall was funny, now this is ridiculous..


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