Category: NSLU2

NSLUg Rebirth and 5 years of dust

So tonight I dusted off my old NSLU device and managed to get back into it. The device was originally

Great page full of Slug hardware mod photos..

Slug says Hello through Windows

First things first… I spent a fair bit of time trying to figure out where my program was being cached.

Getting video working on my OpenSlug..

Seems pretty straightforward until the /dev/video device doesn’t appear!! Followed the instructions here.. Then found I did not have lipjpeg, libpng


Great place to start and get info on the LinkSys NSLU2. I found that a lot of the content is

OpenSlug home page

I played with UnSlung, and in the end settled on OpenSlug for the options that it offered (more of a

The device itself with specs etc.

Network Storage Link from Linksys NSLU2 on