Tag: arduino

Garage Door Control with WeMos D1 mini
I received my WeMos devices quite a while ago and found some time this weekend to play with them. The

Coffee pot watcher
With some new staff at the office, we seem to be going through coffee very quickly. It was suggested that

Back to the garage doors..
Time is a miserable thing, or maybe it is just the fact that my past efforts are tracked on this

LEDs what a great Fathers Day gift
This Fathers Day I was wandering around Costco with my family when I saw what would become my next project.

RobotBrain update 5 – almost ready for wheels!
Today was a holiday in Ontario so I took advantage of the time to move forward on the RobotBrain. Seems

RobotBrain now with graphical view
The RobotBrain code has been updated to include a graphical output of the objects near the sensors. By creating an

Arduino + ADK first application
Finally found some time to play with my Arduino-ADK and Android phone. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy II. I

Arduino = Fun – part II
Thought I would list some other things that I have done in the last couple of days with the Arduino.

Arduino = Fun!
Yes, I am a curious hacker that simply loves building things. I have played around with some robotics stuff in