Category: Technology

Lit Ramp for an Aging Dog

Little Dog, Big Step My dog (Ally) is a dachshund (aka. weiner dog) and is short at only 9″ tall,

Ultimaker Cura software

On the Level with my 3D Printer

Finally bought my first 3D printer, and probably should have done so a while ago.  The printer is amazing and

Team Communication with Twilio SMS

The Pain of Keeping Everyone in the Loop! Communication while travelling with a bunch of people can be very problematic. 

Select to Call for FusionPBX makes calling so easy!

I have just released my second Chrome Extension called FusionPBX SelectToCall.  The extension allows a user to easily dial a

Joining the Bitcoin Revolution

Just released my first Chrome extension, and there’s a story to tell about how that came about…. Been playing around

Tomahawk LPR Router

Status: LPR Solutions

It’s True, You Can Love Your Job! As a business owner there are not a lot of times that I

RaspberryPI + Huawei 3G Stick = Router

I have been working on some License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology for our OPS-COM software.  Everything has been going great

Garage Door Control with WeMos D1 mini

I received my WeMos devices quite a while ago and found some time this weekend to play with them.  The

Coffee pot watcher

With some new staff at the office, we seem to be going through coffee very quickly.  It was suggested that

Laravel Development without Homestead

I use Windows primarily for my development, and though I have used many different IDE’s in the past I am

Back to the garage doors..

Time is a miserable thing, or maybe it is just the fact that my past efforts are tracked on this

LEDs what a great Fathers Day gift

This Fathers Day I was wandering around Costco with my family when I saw what would become my next project.

Observations on the RaspberryPI, what a great device!

The Raspberry Pi Story The Raspberry Pi Foundation initially developed the microcomputer design as a means of furthering computer science

Control of garage door(s)

This weekend I started on my newest project using a RaspberryPI.  It will involve my garage door and a notification

RaspberryPi + GPIO + Asterisk + Staples red light

One day I was walking around Staples and I saw a cool red light that really had no application.  It

Asterisk voicemail notification call out script

I ran into a issue recently as I needed to setup a call out system for my wife’s vet practice.

KK multicopter – crash but no burn…

After my batteries arrived, I was very much prepared to get started with the quad copter. It was then that

RobotBrain update 5 – almost ready for wheels!

Today was a holiday in Ontario so I took advantage of the time to move forward on the RobotBrain. Seems

RobotBrain now with graphical view

The RobotBrain code has been updated to include a graphical output of the objects near the sensors. By creating an

Arduino + ADK first application

Finally found some time to play with my Arduino-ADK and Android phone. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy II. I

Multicopter Quad (Xcopter)

The quad copter frame and KKmulticopter board arrived. I was surprised to find that the kit came with absolutely no