RaspberryPi + GPIO + Asterisk + Staples red light
One day I was walking around Staples and I saw a cool red light that really had no application. It

Asterisk voicemail notification call out script
I ran into a issue recently as I needed to setup a call out system for my wife’s vet practice.

ParkAdmin – Tomahawk’s evolution..
Tomahawk’s branching off a new business unit to focus on our web-based Parking and Security Management solution, ParkAdmin. Eight

Atom House Girls – a great season and a lot of fun!
My daughter decided that after the many years of me coaching my sons team, it was time for me to

Team Tomahawk wins CPSHL 2 years running!
Carleton Place Senior Hockey League (CPSHL) is a great group of guys. Everyone is over the age of 35 and

KK multicopter – crash but no burn…
After my batteries arrived, I was very much prepared to get started with the quad copter. It was then that

RobotBrain update 5 – almost ready for wheels!
Today was a holiday in Ontario so I took advantage of the time to move forward on the RobotBrain. Seems

RobotBrain now with graphical view
The RobotBrain code has been updated to include a graphical output of the objects near the sensors. By creating an

Arduino + ADK first application
Finally found some time to play with my Arduino-ADK and Android phone. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy II. I

Multicopter Quad (Xcopter)
The quad copter frame and KKmulticopter board arrived. I was surprised to find that the kit came with absolutely no

NSLUg Rebirth and 5 years of dust
So tonight I dusted off my old NSLU device and managed to get back into it. The device was originally

Arduino = Fun – part II
Thought I would list some other things that I have done in the last couple of days with the Arduino.

Arduino = Fun!
Yes, I am a curious hacker that simply loves building things. I have played around with some robotics stuff in

PeeWee C win the Lanark County Minor Hockey season
As head coach of a winning hockey team, nothing makes you prouder when the team bring home the banner. However,

Tomahawk goes solar… well kinda..
This was a cool project to be involved with. Really a great complement to all I learned (and continue to

2010 Business Person of the Year
As the owner of Tomahawk Technologies, I was selected the 2010 Business Person of the Year by the Carleton Place

Asterisk Click To Call script
We use WHMCS as our client management software. We use Asterisk and FOP2 for our phone lines. The other day

Galaxy Tab with Telus
I picked up one of the Galaxy Tab units. I like the size of the tablet since it fits nicely

Almost 1 1/2 years… bleh!
Been away from this for a long time.. Found my desk this weekend, it was under a stack of paper,

Hardware.. still no software
I have to admit, it is very hard to find the time to commit to developing some software. I have